Our Staff | Community Impact
Damion joined the Hartford Foundation in May 2022 and focuses his work in our Basic Human Needs and Higher Opportunity Neighborhoods outcome teams. He has dedicated his professional career to stable housing and homelessness prevention for Connecticut residents. Previously, he led a dynamic team of Rapid Rehousing Support specialists with Community Housing Resources (CHR), collaborated with a variety of nonprofit organizations in Connecticut and Massachusetts as Development Project Manager with the Corporation for Independent Living, and managed transitional living programs for Mercy Housing and Shelter. He received his bachelor’s degree in psychology for Central Connecticut State University.
What do you enjoy most about Greater Hartford?
I enjoy the diversity of people, activities, and opportunities that Greater Hartford has to offer.
What quote best represents your personal philosophy?
“You can’t be brave without fear.” -Muhammad Ali
Are you involved in any volunteer activities?
As an avid runner, I enjoy giving back to the running community by volunteering at various local races.