Cynthia Wills

Community Impact Officer

Cynthia is a dedicated member of the Civic Engagement and Resident Engagement team and Thriving Neighborhoods (formerly Higher Opportunities Neighborhoods) team, where she focuses on fostering civically engaged communities and promoting neighborhood vitality. Her work spans a variety of key areas, including supporting the small business ecosystem, advancing civic participation, advocating for neighborhood development, and affordable housing.

Before joining this team, Cynthia worked at the Knight Foundation, where she supported initiatives aimed at sustaining and growing creative entrepreneurial communities in Miami. She also brings valuable experience from her time in community organizing, having contributed to several local political campaigns and tenant organizing.

What do you enjoy most about Greater Hartford?
The diversity of people and proximity to enjoy everything New England has to offer!

What quote best represents your personal philosophy?
“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive.” -Maya Angelou