New & Noteworthy

Larson Campaign Establishes Fund at Hartford Foundation to Provide Meals to Health Care Workers on the Frontlines of the COVID-19 Crisis
As a lifetime resident of East Hartford, John B. Larson has devoted much of his life to supporting the people of Greater Hartford. In his private life and as a local, state and federal elected official, Larson has always been committed to the region’s first responders and health care workers. Now, his campaign is honoring this commitment by opening a new fund at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving dedicated to providing much needed support for local nonprofit organizations supplying meals to health care workers.
John B. Larson Healthcare Worker Nourishment Fund will contribute to organizations that provide onsite, on-the-job nourishment and sustenance to those health care workers who are treating and caring for people impacted by the COVID-19 global pandemic at hospitals and other healthcare facilities in Connecticut’s First Congressional District.
“John Larson has always stayed in close touch with the needs of the region and when he contacted the Hartford Foundation about his idea to provide meals to health care workers, our staff worked quickly to put his compassionate and thoughtful plan into action,” said Hartford Foundation President Jay Williams. “We continue to be inspired by the incredible generosity of Greater Hartford residents and John Larson provides a wonderful example of how people can work to support the greater good of our region.”
Last week, the Hartford Foundation launched the COVID-19 Response Fund to provide flexible resources to organizations throughout the region that serve residents who are disproportionately impacted by coronavirus and the economic consequences of the outbreak. The Fund is designed to complement the work of federal, state and municipal government efforts and expand local capacity to address all aspects of the outbreak as efficiently as possible.