New & Noteworthy

Hartford Foundation Renews Support to The Hispanic Federation - Connecticut and The Prosperity Foundation
The Hispanic Federation – Connecticut (HF) and The Prosperity Foundation (TPF) are Connecticut’s only philanthropic organizations that are led by and work for the benefit of communities of color.
The Hispanic Federation seeks to empower and advance the Hispanic community, support families, and strengthen Latinx nonprofits, promote public policy advocacy, and bring to scale a portfolio of innovative community programs.
The Prosperity Foundation’s mission is to create unique impacts in black communities throughout the state by investing in organizations that address health, education, and economic disparities.
In 2022, the Foundation awarded $1 million grant to the Hispanic Federation to support its Communities of Color Nonprofit Stabilization Fund. The CCNSF will regrant funds and support capacity building to better equip nonprofits that are led by and serve Greater Hartford’s Latinx population to advance racial equity and achieve better outcomes in their communities. CCNSF also will promote learning among nonprofit leaders.
In 2022, The Prosperity Foundation received a $1 million grant to support collaborative grant opportunities to support Black led and primarily Black serving nonprofits in Greater Hartford and to support its own organizational capacity building and sustainability.
“The Hartford Foundation has reflected on the perception of philanthropy as being a well-intentioned, sector determined to ‘save’ the community,” said Hartford Foundation President and CEO Jay Williams. “We acknowledge that this philosophy can lead to doing things to or for others, with a failure to include the voices of local leaders, organizations, and stakeholders. These investments in peer foundations are intended to galvanize our Black and Latinx communities to determine where resources should be spent.”
In 2021, the Foundation provided its first grants to these organizations to ensure that each has the agency and discretion to connect stakeholders in communities of color to a wide array of resources and build power to lead substantive change.