New & Noteworthy

Hartford Foundation Announces Tenth Round of Grants from COVID-19 Response Fund
Grants to date totaling more than $6 million to more than 100 organizations providing basic human needs and other services to local residents
In March, the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving launched the COVID-19 Response Fund to rapidly deploy resources to support the residents who are most significantly affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The Fund is designed to complement the work of federal, state and municipal government efforts and expand local capacity to address all aspects of the outbreak as efficiently as possible.
"The Hartford Foundation continues to provide support to our dedicated community nonprofit providers as they respond to residents needs during this public health and economic crisis,” said Hartford Foundation President Jay Williams. "This latest round of grants from the Fund not only includes resources to provide food and other basic needs, but also support creating work opportunities for young people, community outreach and COVID-19 testing in some of our most impacted neighborhoods in East Hartford and Hartford, as well as support for Hartford Public Schools as they work to reduce the negative academic impact of school closures.”
The tenth round of grants totaling $430,860 will support eight community-based organizations that provide basic human needs and other critical supports.
Organization |
Services |
Grant Amount |
Grant will help the organization maintain minimal service levels to clients with substance abuse disorders. |
$2,000 |
Grant will help maintain and provide some expansion of the Eats of the Street program. |
$30,000 |
Grant will provide matching funding to leverage federal dollars for the ConnectiCorps program over one year. The program will match 40 young people with service/work opportunities in 10 basic human needs nonprofits in the Greater Hartford region, with a focus on Alliance Districts. |
$200,000 |
Grant will support the distribution of food |
$5,000 |
Grant will support collaborative efforts to implement COVID-19 testing in Hartford and East Hartford, including community outreach. |
$48,860 |
Grant will provide support for the distance learning needs of students including technology support, translation and basic human needs distribution. |
$75,000 |
Grant will support the costs of therapists |
$30,000 |
Grant will add to a pool of micro-grants available for low-income students at Tunxis and Asnuntuck Community Colleges to address educational and basic human needs of low-income students facing job loss and other emergency situations, allowing them to continue their education. |
$40,000 |
Grants from the COVID-19 Response Fund are being made on a weekly basis. Hartford Foundation staff will continue to review applications and work with existing grantees to explore options to repurpose already awarded grant dollars and accelerate multi-year grant payments to address emerging needs. In addition to grant dollars, the Foundation will offer capacity building, technical support and lines of credit to nonprofit organizations in the Hartford region.
The Foundation has committed $6.4 million to the COVID-19 Response Fund through the end of May. Furthermore, the Foundation has received more than $3.59 million in donations from generous individuals, corporations and donor-advised-funds. For a complete listing of COVID-19 Response Donors follow this link.
Fundraising will continue throughout the public health crisis, but it is clear that the consequences of COVID-19 will continue through the end of 2020. While the Fund will not be able to address all of the needs that arise, the Foundation expects to add additional Foundation-directed dollars to the COVID-19 Response Fund going forward.
To learn more about the COVID-19 Response Fund or to make a donation log onto