Foundation Submits Testimony In Support of Proposals to Assist Families Receiving TANF

On Thursday, January 30, the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving submitted testimony in support of two proposals designed to assist families receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits who may be at risk of losing benefits as a result of the phased increase to Connecticut’s minimum wage program. The TANF program, which is time limited, assists families with children when the parents or other responsible relatives cannot provide for the family's basic needs. The Foundation offered its support of the 2Gen Benefits Cliffs Working Group’s short-term policy proposals to increase or eliminate asset limits for TANF recipients and a repeal of the TANF Family Cap which would help to maintain much-needed benefits while still providing families to earn income and save money. These policies were discussed at a Joint Informational Forum on Benefits Cliffs jointly held by the General Assembly’s Human Services, Children, Labor, Public Health, and Appropriations Committees.

Over the past year, the Hartford Foundation has been working with its community foundation partners from throughout the state to develop inclusive growth policies and strategies that support the residents in our urban communities.  Maintaining a strong social services safety net is vital to ensure that working families in our urban areas have access to the services and supports that can promote job readiness and stability. The Foundation is committed to working with policymakers, nonprofits and families to develop effective long-term policies to ensure that all Connecticut families have access to the supports they need while working to improve their quality of life and support our state’s economy. 

Read the Foundation's statement here