New & Noteworthy

Catalyst Endowment Fund: 2020 Topic
Let's Hear It For the Girls!
If you look at the layers of challenges on our most marginalized populations, you’ll see that young women and girls of color face an uphill battle. In 2020, we learned where the gaps in services and opportunities are, and ways that we can leverage our funds to support leadership and empowerment in an effort to help young women and girls reach their fullest potential. The COVID-19 crisis resulted in economic challenges that disproportionately affect certain communities.
Now more than ever, these girls need your help! In Hartford:

Click here for an overview of issues facing young women and girls in our region.
2020 Timeline
Zoom with Jay Williams: the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving’s Response to the COVID-19 Crisis
More than 50 Catalyst members and staff met via Zoom on April 29 for a presentation by Jay Williams on the Hartford Foundation’s response to the current crisis through the COVID-19 Response Fund. Members were interested to learn how the nonprofit community is addressing large losses of income as many are also seeing increased need for services. Jay also discussed partnerships that have been formed with the City of Hartford, the United Way, and a number of corporate and individual donors to support individuals and the small business community during this time.
Watch the meeting here:
Aurora Women and Girls Foundation Women’s Giving Circle – COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund Virtual Information Session
Catalyst members are invited to join local experts in a presentation hosted by the Aurora Foundation to learn how COVID-19 is impacting women and girls.
Contact to RSVP and to receive the link.
“Let’s Hear It For the Girls”
Close to 100 Catalyst members, guests and Hartford Foundation staff attended an online program that provided an introduction to Catalyst’s 2020 topic, “Let’s Hear It For the Girls”. Click here for a recap of the program.
Catalyst Grantmaking Meeting
On October 28, members of the Catalyst Endowment Fund met via Zoom to virtually vote on which programs to fund. Grants were awarded to the The Center for Children’s Advocacy, Girls for Technology and Charter Oak Boxing Academy (COBA).
Visit the Catalyst Endowment Fund homepage for more information about the fund.
RElated Videos
Related Articles and Reports
- ESSENTIAL EQUITY: Women, Covid-19 and Rebuilding CT (Data Report from Essential Equity)
- Black Girls Must Be a Focus — Not an Afterthought — of Racial-Justice Giving (The Chronicle of Philanthropy, October 27)
- To Be Female, Anxious and Black (Anxiety and Depression Association of America)
- A Battle for the Souls of Black Girls (New York Times, October 1)
- On the Anger of Black Women (The Progressive, September 10)
- Here’s what it takes for Black girls to become leaders, according to Michelle Obama (CNBC, August 26)
- Reimagining An America That Uplifts Black Girls (Essence, July 9)
- Calling in White Philanthropy (Medium Article, July 1)
- For Students of Color, Remote Learning Environments Pose Multiple Challenges (Urban Institute, June 23)
- The Reckoning Will Be Incomplete Without Black Women and Girls (The Atlantic, June 14)
- Why Are Black Women and Girls Still an Afterthought in Our Outrage Over Police Violence? (Time, June 4)
- On average, 20% of Hartford students are not participating in virtual learning week-to-week. Now school leaders are trying to find a solution (Hartford Courant, June 1)
- COVID-19 Highlights The Harsh Reality Facing Black Girls, Girls Of Color (Essence, May 19)
- Gender equity needs to go viral (CT Mirror, Apr 26)
- The Mental Health Effects of COVID-19 on Communities of Color (NBC Connecticut, April 23)
- Why Won’t Society Let Black Girls Be Children? (The New York Times, April 17)
- Black and Latino residents hit particularly hard by COVID-19 in Connecticut, as experts fear disparities will widen (Hartford Courant, Apr 8)
UConn Researchers Find Blacks Are Disproportionately Impacted By COVID-19 (CT News Junkie, Apr 8)
How Black Girls Get Pushed Out of School (The New York Times, April 4)
Invisible Girls, Unless They Serve! Black American Her/History 360, Women’s Herstory Month 2020 (Thrive Global, March 17)