New & Noteworthy

Catalyst Endowment Fund: 2019 Topic & News
The 2019 topic of study for the Catalyst Endowment Fund will be:
Breaking the Cycle: Juvenile Justice Reform
Each year about 3,000 children enter Connecticut’s juvenile justice system after being convicted of breaking the law. This sets many youth on a path of repeated incarceration—about 75% of juveniles on parole are rearrested and 75% of these youths are recommitted. Youth of color are over-represented within the juvenile justice system—black children are five times more likely to be arrested than white children. Many defendants are jailed because of an inability to afford modest bails. Should the court system should be more protective of criminal defendants until the age of 21? Once youth have been incarcerated, what can be done to get them back on a path to success? What are the civil rights of these youth?
Visit the main Catalyst Endowment Fund page to learn more.
2019 Catalyst program dates
Click here to read a full recap of the March 21 meeting
Click here to read a full recap of the June 19 meeting
Click here to read a full recap of the October 22 meeting
Breaking the Cycle: Juvenile Justice Reform
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About Juvenile Justice Issues
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