New & Noteworthy
Catalyst Endowment Fund: 2016 Topic and Related Links
Our Catalyst Endowment Fund has held two meetings in 2016. The first took place on March 23 at Little Theatre of Manchester at Cheney Hall (read a recap here), and the second took place on June 15 at the Connecticut Science Center (read the recap).
Each year, the Catalyst Fund chooses a topic to learn about and discuss. Past topics include homelessness, job readiness for veterans, literacy, and last year's topic, domestic violence. Our goal is to learn about the issues affecting our community, and then, at the end of each year, award grants to support local nonprofits that are working on those issues.
Our topic for 2016 is Addressing the Mental Health Challenge.
Below are some links that relate to this topic. We encourage you to become better acquainted with the issue of mental health and how it affects our community before the October 18 Grantmaking meeting.
We also encourage you to follow the Hartford Foundation on Facebook and Twitter, where we'll discuss the topic of mental health periodically throughout the year. If you have any questions about the topic, or related links that you'd like to share, feel free to reach out to us on social media, or you can email our Donor Engagement Officer, Betty Ann Grady, at

Addressing the Mental Health Challenge: Related Links
Instagram's New Feature is a Mental Health Game-Changer
Must End Stigma To Control Spiraling Costs Of Mental Illness
Preventing Student Suicide After the Loss of a Son
Putting the Power of Self-Knowledge to Work
When the Hospital Fires the Bullet
#findmike: The stranger on the bridge
Why We Can’t Talk About Depression - with Andrew Solomon (CT Forum video)
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This Is What Happened to Me as a Result of Mental Health Awareness Month
Legislation and Policy: The Mental Health First Aid Act
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Damaging Secrets: Breaching Wall Of Silence About Mental Health
What Happens When Major Companies Take Mental Health Seriously
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Mental Health Service Cuts Go Along With Layoffs
Protecting the Rich Means Short-changing Mental Health
Changing Course: Intervention on Childhood Trauma
Budget Cuts Threaten Connecticut's Progress in Mental Health
The State of Connecticut (Safety + Justice Challenge)
WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP)
Schools Key to Reaching Kids With Mental Health Needs, Experts Say
A Push For More Data on How Insurers Cover Mental Illness
Here's Proof Mental Illness Is Not Someone's Fault
Simplifying Childhood May Protect Against Mental Health Issues
The Grassroots Mental Wellness Campaign
Murphy, Alexander, Murray, Cassidy Introduce Plan to Address Mental Health Crisis in America
UNC Football Player Who Ended Up Homeless Had C.T.E.
How Business Leaders Can Help Foster Mental Health in the Workplace
How These Educators Approach Mental Health in the Classroom
Key Task Force: Evidence "Insufficient" to Recommend Universal Autism Screening
Cogito and MGH Test Voice App to Monitor Moods
Michelle Obama: Let's Change the Conversation Around Mental Health
CDC: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE)
CDC: Social Determinants of Health
West Hartford Mothers Highlighting Gaps in Mental Health Care
60 Minutes: Denied (Segment on insurance coverage of mental health services)
Paper Tigers (Film about Educating Traumatized Youth)
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Workplace Depression Under-recognized, Expensive, Treatable
Beyond Policy, When the Mental Health System Becomes Personal
Hartford Foundation Awards Three-Year, $149,500 Grant to NAMI