Types of Grants
Our range of grants strives to meet the diverse needs of our region’s nonprofits and those they serve.
An organization may be eligible to apply for one regular grant every three years, selecting its highest priority from one of the following grant types:
Grants that support new programs, demonstration projects, studies, or surveys that do not commit the Foundation to recurring costs. These grants provide funding for one to three years and may also be used to enhance, expand or strengthen existing programs, services and organizational capacity.
Additional funding provided at the end of a grant to help an organization reach project outcomes that were not met within the original schedule. Continuation grants can last up to two years and are only for projects that meet certain criteria, such as those that address high-priority community issues.
Grants supporting capital improvements, such as building purchase, construction or renovation, or capital equipment purchase. The Foundation generally supports a capital or building campaign once.
Grants that support an organization’s ongoing activities and stability, as outlined in its strategic plan. Funding can be used at the organization’s discretion. These grants are an option for organizations with budgets over $200,000. Eligibility is highly competitive, and organizations must be in sound financial condition.
In special circumstances, these grants help well-run nonprofits that have experienced unexpected income gaps to continue important programs or close down operations.
Priority is given to programs that provide:
- Critical basic human needs, such as food and shelter, to indigent and working poor.
- Services other than basic human needs, such as health, education, literacy and legal services, to vulnerable and disadvantaged populations.
- Services that make a major impact on quality of life and/or the region’s economy, such as arts and culture, workforce development and economic development.
Funding is available for camperships and tutorial programs for Hartford children; counselors-in-training programs for Hartford youths ages 12-16; and summer youth employment programs for Hartford youths ages 14-16.
In some circumstances, funding is available for children living in other towns in the Foundation’s service area. There are additional evaluation criteria, special application forms and instructions, and a submission deadline for applications. For more information, call the Foundation at 860-548-1888.
The Foundation awards scholarships to hundreds of area students to help them afford a college education.
Visit our Scholarship Program Directory to learn more.
Organizational Capacity Building GRANTS
Our Nonprofit Support Program provides assessments, grants and services to support area nonprofits with planning, executive transitions, strategic technology, financial management and evaluation.
To learn more, visit the Nonprofit Support Program website or call 860-548-1888 and ask to speak to a member of the NSP staff.
A few of our funds solicit applications throughout the year. Each fund has its own criteria and application process.
The Brainard Fund supports qualified individuals or their spouses experiencing financial hardship due to substantial healthcare bills incurred through a serious or chronic illness.
To find out if you are eligible for Brainard Fund support:
- Download the brochure (PDF) to learn more about qualifications for support.
- Call 2-1-1 and ask about the Brainard Fund to find out if your healthcare provider is involved in this program. If you are eligible, you will receive guidance on next steps for applying for assistance.
This fund supports nonprofit programs and services that benefit the citizens of Glastonbury, CT. Grants are made for a broad range of community needs. The deadline for applications is typically in the fall of each year. For eligibility criteria and application procedures, please visit our Grant Opportunities page. To be notified when the “Request for Proposals” is launched, please sign up here to receive automatic notifications of all open grant opportunities.
This fund supports nonprofits serving the residents of Suffield, CT. Grants are made for projects that will address basic needs or improve the quality of life for residents in Suffield. For eligibility criteria and application procedures, interested organizations should contact Betty Ann Grady, Senior Development Officer.