South Windsor Greater Together Community Fund

The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving has established a $100,000 Greater Together Community Fund for the Town of South Windsor.
The purpose of the Greater Together Community Funds program is to:
- support the community in taking ownership around the needs in their towns
- encourage broad and inclusive civic engagement and
- anchor the Hartford Foundation in each town.
South Windsor Greater Together Community Fund Committee Members
The role of the GTCF Committee is to design and lead an inclusive process to identify the needs in your community, and design a grantmaking process aimed to ensure that the Greater Together Community Funds can have the greatest impact for the benefit of town residents.
The Committee members for your town are:
Betty Asplund (Former Chair), Anurag Joshi, Mihika Joshi (Secretary), Robin Lagasse (Marketing), Kathy Reed (Marketing), Carolyn Venne, Cliff Williams (Treasure), Janelle Zahner (Chair), Claudia Gatti (Social Media), and Rick Love.
Click here to read the Committee Conflict of Interest Policy
For media inquiries, please contact Chris Senecal at
South Windsor Greater Together Community Fund Grant Awards
May 5th, 2024: The South Windsor Greater Together Community Fund (SWGTCF) is pleased to announce its 2024 grant awards. All grantees are South Windsor based, and submitted projects that are expected to appeal to broad and diverse segments of the South Windsor community. The grantees, projects and grant amounts are:
MidWest Food Bank – Supports the community by providing meals to the South Windsor agencies that partner with MidWest Food Bank. They rescue and redistribute food and basic needed items.: $1,950
Friends of the Wood Library - Support a major landscaping boost through a second phase of native woodland plantings, ecological research, add QR markers linked to 3 minute audio recordings and additional permanent outdoor seating.: $5,000
Invasive Plants Working Group - Support for offering a hands-on learning experience in identifying the common invasive plants in town. This would complete the trail, provide signs identifying the invasive plants, add additional native plants.: $3,500
South Windsor Community Women’s Club: Support for Hope on the hill to continue future years and extending the period of time in which Hope is illuminated of Porters Hill: $1,000
Power of Peace: Support for Middle & High Schoolers growing, harvesting and then donating produce to local community centers: $600
Recycled Rides: Support for providing bikes to underprivileged/disabled kids by distributing free, refurbished and used bikes to the community. This funding allows for the materials needed to refurbish donated bikes: $4,000
South Windsor Human Services: Support for a variety of educational programs to inform as many people as possible about health and wellness topics.: $3,600
Friends of the South Windsor Public Library: Support for Creation of a Makerspace providing patrons access to the equipment necessary to bring their creative ideas to life.: $6,163.52
South Windsor Farmers Market: Support by providing the funding needed to have an EBT machine onsite, allowing for more access to affordable, fresh, healthy produce.: $1,300
May 25th, 2023: The South Windsor Greater Together Community Fund (SWGTCF) is pleased to announce its third round of grant awards. All grantees are South Windsor based, and submitted projects that are expected to appeal to broad and diverse segments of the South Windsor community. The grantees, projects and grant amounts are:
- Lions Club – Funding for an eyesight reading machine which allows for preventative eye exams for children in schools free of cost. - $8,500
- Friends of The Wood Memorial Library – Funding to support the research of African American history in South Windsor. - $5,000
- Veterans Banners Fiscal Agent (South Windsor Community Foundation) – Funding to commemorate veterans for their service through banners and virtual platforms. - $1,000
- Farmers Market Fiscal Agent (South Windsor Community Foundation) – Funding to support local producers and to give an option for citizens to use SNAP and POP benefits. - $2,000
- Bobcat Prowl Fiscal Sponsor South Windsor High School – Funding which will allow for the Bobcat Prowl club to implement online platforms and support students interested in journalism. - $1,000
- Town of South Windsor Youth & Family Services – Providing funding to the youth and teen leadership camp which supports communication skills along with growth for South Windsor residents. - $1,000
- Friends of the South Windsor Public Library – Providing funding to purchase and implement new technology resources in the public library for meetings, content creation and technology literacy. $2,000
- South Windsor Adult Senior Services – Providing funding to connect seniors with elementary school students through reading books and sharing stories. - $500
- Power of Peace – Providing funding for local sustainable community farm where the food grown is then donated back to the community. - $500
- Pleasant Valley School PTO – Providing funding for reading resources for students in a variety of academic areas and those with English as a second language. - $2,700
May 5th, 2022: The South Windsor Greater Together Community Fund (SWGTCF) is pleased to announce its second round of grant awards. All grantees are South Windsor based, and submitted projects that are expected to appeal to broad and diverse segments of the South Windsor community. The grantees, projects and grant amounts are:
- South Windsor Rotary - Support for the Town of South Windsor Parks and Recreation to help raise funding for a splash pad. This will be used by many and add to Nevers Park: $2,500
- South Windsor High School Robotics - Support for the High School Robotics Club to be able to better afford the materials; field elements, robot parts like falcon motors, intake parts, shooter parts, tools, belts and pulleys. This also help pay for transportation fees and competition entrance fees: $6,000
- Wood Memorial Library Association - Support for insulating the building’s attic after the HVAC install to help preserve array of resources; town records, oral histories, historic house and building files, and books: $4,000
- Friends of South Windsor Library - Support for portable stage for events which will help ongoing concerts the need was for platform stage, risers, stairs, and stage skirting: $3,200
- Power of Peace - Support for Middle & High Schoolers growing, harvesting and then donating produce to local community centers: $500
- South Windsor Operation Graduation - Support for the 2022 Operation Graduation event offered to all graduating South Windsor High School seniors $2,500
- South Windsor Senior and Adult Services - Support for purchasing musical instruments and supplies to offer music therapy classes for older adults (55+): $3,600
- Friends of the Wood Memorial Library & Museum’s Nawashe Village - Support for continuing the Native American cultural center: $4,000
- Recycled Rides - Support for providing bikes to underprivileged/disabled kids by distributing free, refurbished and used bikes to the community. This funding allows for the materials needed to refurbish donated bikes: $7,500
- Special Olympics - Support for relieving aspects of the Special Olympics South Windsor local program:$2,500
- UR Community Cares - Support to provide our proven technology platform to connect South Windsor’s older and physically disabled residents with local volunteers who provide home-based assistance securely and at no charge: $2,000
- YMCA: Support for scholarship program for summer camp exclusively for South Windsor residents: $2,500
May 10, 2021: The South Windsor Greater Together Community Fund made inaugural grants to six community organizations to address pressing issues in their community.
- South Windsor High School Friends of the Performing Arts received a $3,100 grant to purchase costumes and rehearsal mirrors for the South Windsor High school show choir, Choral Spectrum.
- South Windsor Historical Society received a $6,300 grant to help cover the cost of repairing the roof damage to the Union School historic building renovation caused by Hurricane Isaias.
- South Windsor Girl Scouts received a $1,600 grant to support summer camp and Girl Scout membership fees for disadvantaged South Windsor girls.
- Friends of the South Windsor Public Library (FSWPL) received a $4,600 grant to provide substitute funding for longstanding programs, including provision of dictionaries to all South Windsor third graders, making museum passes available to South Windsor residents, three $1,000 college scholarships.
- South Windsor Walk and Wheels Ways received a $6,700 grant to complete funding for the walking and biking pathway running across town.
- South Windsor Operation Graduation received a $2,700 grant to purchase supplies and small gifts for an all-night, substance free event for all South Windsor graduating HS seniors.
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