Rocky Hill Greater Together Community Fund

In 2019, the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving established a $100,000 Greater Together Community Fund for the Town of Rocky Hill. Since then, the fund received another $70,000 totaling an investment of $170,000.
The purpose of the Greater Together Community Funds is to:
- support the community in taking ownership around the needs in their towns
- encourage broad and inclusive civic engagement and
- anchor the Hartford Foundation in each town.
2024 Grant Applications
The Rocky Hill Greater Together Community Fund Advisory Committee’s second open call for grant proposals is now closed.
- Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by the Rocky Hill Greater Together Community Fund Advisory Committee.
- Rocky Hill Greater Together Community Fund 2024 Grant Award Announcements will be made in September 2024.
Questions? Please contact us at if you have any questions about eligibility, guidelines, or the application process.
Call for Advisory Committee Members
The Rocky Hill Greater Together Community Fund Advisory Committee is seeking members who will help us maintain a diverse, inclusive membership reflective of Rocky Hill's demographics. All Rocky Hill residents are eligible to apply including students or young adults ages 14+.
An advisory committee of Rocky Hill residents plays a lead role in deciding how Rocky Hill’s Greater Together Community Funds will be used. This advisory committee will identify community needs and design a grantmaking process aimed to ensure that the community funds can have the greatest impact for the benefit of town residents. Please consider joining this exciting committee!
To apply, please complete the Google Form linked below. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and will be reviewed in October, February, and June. Should you have any questions, please email
Google Form Application for New Committee Members
Advisory Committee Members
The role of the Advisory Committee is to design and lead an inclusive process to identify the needs in your community, and design a grantmaking process aimed to ensure that the Greater Together Community Funds can have the greatest impact for the benefit of town residents.
The Advisory Committee members for your town are:
Carol Felice (co chair), Patrick McKenna (co chair), Nadine Giannotti (secretary), Laurie Boske, Lauren Cattel, Christopher Duff, Angelina Germanovych, Shilpa Gohil, Srikari Kurada
Click here to read the Advisory Committee Conflict of Interest Policy
Questions? Reach us by email at
For media inquiries, please contact Chris Senecal at
Rocky Hill Greater Together Community Fund Advisory Committee Announces Third Round of Grant Awards
In August 2024, the Rocky Hill Greater Together Community Fund made their fourth round of grants to seven organizations, for a total of $26,236 in grant dollars.
- Friends of the Rocky Hill Library Corporation received $2,000 to support computer programming classes at the library.
- Hartford Interval House, Inc. received $5,000 to support domestic violence prevention and intervention services.
- Operation Fuel, Inc. received $5,000 to support energy assistance in Rocky Hill.
- Rocky Hill High School Band Backers, Inc. received $1,986 to support the purchase of instruments and equipment.
- Rocky Hill United Methodist Church received $6,050 to support first responder and veteran appreciation breakfasts.
- Shine Your Light CT, Inc. received $5,200 to support a series of workshops for youths and families impacted by autism spectrum disorder and/or intellectual/developmental disabilities.
- Town of Rocky Hill - Memorial Day Committee received $1,000 to support veteran recognition efforts during the Town’s Memorial Day parade.
Past Grant Awards
The Rocky Hill Greater Together Community Fund has made grants to the following organizations:
- Rocky Hill High School Band Backers, Inc. received a $10,000 grant to support buying instruments for the Rocky Hill High School marching band and World Music project.
- Hartford Interval House, Inc. received a $5,000 grant to support Empowering Clients from Rocky Hill at Interval House.
- Operation Fuel, Inc. received a $5,000 grant to provide emergency energy assistance for Rocky Hill residents.
- Special Olympics Connecticut: Greater Middletown Local Program received a $500 grant to support the Special Olympics Connecticut's Greater Middletown local program.
In August 2023, the Rocky Hill Greater Together Community Fund made their third round of grants to five organizations, for a total of $24,734 in grant dollars.
- Rocky Hill High School Band Backers, Inc. received a $4,319 grant to purchase 3 baritones for Moser Intermediate School.
- Rocky Hill United Methodist Church received a $3,215 grant to support a Veterans and First Responders monthly breakfast.
- West Hill Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization received $6,300 to support the cost of a fence to surround their new outdoor classroom.
- The Church of Saint Andrew the Apostle received a $8,400 grant to repair two access ramps.
- Junior Achievement of Southwest New England, Inc received $2,500 to support programming for 5th grade students at Moser Intermediate School.
Grant Reporting
Awarded organizations are requested to submit an accounting of the use of funds and a narrative evaluation of results achieved. Should your organization decide to apply again to the Rocky Hill Community Fund in the future, you would be eligible after we receive a final report for the grant.
Awarded organizations can use the optional form (below) at the end of their grant period to report on the use of their funds.
Awarded organizations who wish to be considered for a 2024 grant should submit a grant report before reapplying. The final report for
all other awardees of 2023 grants is due by November 30, 2024.
Please send the completed form, or any questions to the Rocky Hill Advisory Committee at