COVID-19 Response Fund: Grants Awarded

COVID-19 Response Fund: Grants Awarded
The Hartford Foundation’s COVID-19 Response Fund has made more than 230 grants, distributing more than $9.6 million, since the start of the pandemic. The fund initially focused on basic human needs as a result of health and economic impacts of the pandemic, and then transitioned to supporting a wide variety of nonprofits to provide services safely, including personal protective equipment (PPE), cleaning costs, technology and minor building enhancements.
In 2021, the COVID-19 Response Fund will continue to address some of the most urgent needs in the Greater Hartford community in a proactive and focused way. Learn more.
A full list of grants awarded from the COVID-19 Response Fund can be found below.
Grants Awarded: February 17, 2021
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning costs, PPE and technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning supplies, PPE, and air filters.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including air filters.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning costs, technology and minor building enhancements.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning costs.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning costs and technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning costs and PPE.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning costs and minor building enhancements.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology and sanitizing costs.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning costs and PPE.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including temporary part-time staffing costs to enforce safety guidelines.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning costs and an air scrubber.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning costs, PPE and technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE and sanitizing equipment.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning costs.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE, cleaning costs, technology, and minor building enhancement.
Grant will provide partial support for PPE and touchless operations for the facility.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning costs and minor building enhancements.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including distribution of PPE and cleaning supplies.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE and cleaning costs.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology to facilitate distance learning.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE and technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including small building enhancements, PPE and cleaning supplies.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning costs, PPE and technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE, cleaning supplies, and cleaning/safety equipment.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE and cleaning equipment.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE, cleaning equipment and minor building enhancements.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including minor building enhancements.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including air purifiers.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology to facilitate distance learning.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology and PPE.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology, enhanced cleaning, PPE and small building enhancements.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs for 30 summer program providers serving the Greater Hartford region including PPE and cleaning supplies.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including laptop replacement parts.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE, air purifiers and technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning supplies and educational supplies.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including video production.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning costs, PPE and technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including thermometers, sanitizer stations and supplies, mobile card readers and other technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology and cleaning supplies.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE and cleaning supplies.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning, PPE and technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including testing, PPE and cleaning costs.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE, cleaning and technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE, cleaning supplies, plexiglass barriers and technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE and cleaning costs.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including a videographer and technology to provide online classes.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including sanitization, PPE and technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs of the West Indian Social Club’s community programming including cleaning supplies, PPE, small building enhancements and technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including laptop accessories.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE, cleaning supplies and janitorial services.
Grants Awarded: September 29
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs for both the Connecticut Immigrant and Refugee Coalition and the Center for Urban Research, Education and Training including enhanced cleaning, PPE and zoom subscriptions.
Grant will provide partial support for costs to allow for reopening of flu clinics outdoors including tents, chairs, PPE, cleaning, signage and other equipment.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including a design consultant to ensure safety of new indoor program space, sanitizing equipment, PPE, and workstations.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE, small building improvements, cleaning costs and equipment, and technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning and technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including well screen units and PPE.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including air purifiers.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology, cleaning costs, new signage and PPE.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology for streaming of productions.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning and PPE.
Grants Awarded: September 10
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology and small building enhancements.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology and small building enhancements.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including thermometers and furniture that can more easily facilitate cleaning and social distancing.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE, cleaning supplies, thermometers and small building enhancements.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology and cleaning costs.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including a portable restroom, PPE, cleaning and cleaning supplies.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including small building enhancements, cleaning supplies and equipment and PPE.
Grant will provide partial support for PPE and other costs required for three North End churches to reopen community outreach services, Mount Olive Baptist Church, Citadel of Love and Phillips Metropolitan CME.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including small building enhancements, technology, PPE and cleaning equipment.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology and cleaning equipment.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning supplies, PPE and technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE and technology.
Grants Awarded: August 25
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning and sanitizing equipment and other minor building and grounds enhancements.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology, cleaning, and minor workspace modifications.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including enhanced cleaning and cleaning supplies.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning supplies and technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning supplies, technology and minor building and grounds enhancements.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning products and minor office enhancements.
Grant will support PPE distribution to the arts community, in conjunction with the City of Hartford.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning products and minor office enhancements.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology and PPE for the Career Beginnings program.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology and PPE.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology and other supports related to video programming.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning supplies, PPE, technology and minor building enhancements.
Grant will provide matching support for Family Life Education ($15,000) and the Hartford Deportation Fund ($10,000) through the HIP Essential Fund.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE and cleaning.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning and cleaning equipment.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning supplies, technology and minor building and grounds enhancements.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including enhanced security to reduce exposure of clients.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology, PPE and cleaning supplies.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning, PPE and building modifications.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE, cleaning supplies and minor work space enhancements.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology and other supports related to video programming.
Grants Awarded: AUGUST 5
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning and building improvements.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology, PPE and cleaning supplies.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE, minor building enhancements, cleaning supplies and services.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning, technology, thermometers, and small building enhancements.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE and cleaning.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including cleaning, PPE and technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE and cleaning.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE and technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology and small business enhancements.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE, cleaning and technology.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including technology, cleaning and sanitizing equipment.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE, cleaning supplies and technology.
Grant will provide support for capacity building in the arts sector around reopening including group collaboration sessions, executive coaching and individual technical assistance for organizations.
Grant will provide partial support for reopening costs including PPE, cleaning, small facilities modifications, technology and health screenings.
Grants Awarded: July 14
Grant will allow for disbursement of emergency financial assistance to families to support food, housing and other basic needs.
Grant will provide support for the distance learning needs of students including technology, tutoring, professional development and family engagement.
Grant will provide support for a campaign to increase census completion in the Hartford region through youth organizing.
This grant is made possible by a contribution from the Lego Foundation. Grant will support technology needs of six Alliance school districts in the Greater Hartford region.
Grant will allow for free food distribution to low-income families experiencing an illness, including those recovering from COVID-19.
Grant will allow for distribution of food and hygiene items to youth and their families.
Grants Awarded: June 22
Grant will support the development of to build out an artist’s communication network and to support the availability of Zoom access for 100+ arts organizations and artists to develop virtual programming for this summer and fall.
Grant will allow the organization to provide direct basic human needs assistance to youth and families in its programming.
Grant will support supplies needed to provide home repair services to low-income communities, including the elderly and people with disabilities, so they are able to continue living independently in their homes through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Grant will support the Community Wellbeing Survey in the Hartford area, exploring the interrelationship of COVID-19 and factors leading to health disparities, with particular emphasis on the Latinx and Black/African-American communities.
Grants Awarded: June 15
Grant will provide flexible support to Charter Oak Health Center, Community Health Services, First Choice Health Centers, and Wheeler Clinic to provide basic human needs such as personal care items, household cleaning supplies, pharmacy delivery, telehealth and remote patient monitoring equipment.
Grant will support Google Classroom training to summer and youth development providers in the Greater Hartford region.
Grant will provide support for enhanced cleaning and monitoring of Keney Park to ensure the safety of visitors.
Grant will support food distribution through mutual aid networks in Greater Hartford.
Grant will support infrastructure to build and sustain mutual aid efforts in Hartford as well as expenses related to food distribution.
Grants Awarded: June 8
Grant will help the organization maintain minimal service levels to clients with substance abuse disorders.
Grant will help maintain and provide some expansion of the Eats of the Street program.
Grant will provide matching funding to leverage federal dollars for the ConnectiCorps program over one year. The program will match 40 young people with service/work opportunities in 10 basic human needs nonprofits in the Greater Hartford region, with a focus on Alliance Districts.
Grant will support the distribution of food and hygiene items to youth and their families in Hartford’s North End neighborhoods.
Grant will support collaborative efforts to implement COVID-19 testing in Hartford and East Hartford, including community outreach.
Grant will provide support for the distance learning needs of students including technology support, translation and basic human needs distribution.
Grant will support the costs of therapists and clinicians to provide for the mental health needs of individuals, family and community.
Grant will add to a pool of micro-grants available for low-income students at Tunxis and Asnuntuck Community Colleges to address educational and basic human needs of low-income students facing job loss and other emergency situations, allowing them to continue their education.
Grants Awarded: June 1
Grant will support increased cleaning costs, increased costs in disaster response efforts and structural modifications required to the Farmington facility to meet safety guidelines.
Grant will provide flexible dollars to support lost revenue, increased cleaning costs, PPE, workforce development programming for youth and access to bicycles through BiCi, Co.
Grant will support lost revenue and the increased demand for legal services for low-income children in family court.
Grant will provide flexible support for lost revenue and increased expenses to support the safety of seniors.
Grant will support lost revenue and increased costs, including technology, to provide teletherapy to children with emotional and behavioral challenges.
Grant will support staffing costs and direct assistance to refugee families impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Grant will support increased food expenses at two residential facilities in the Greater Hartford region serving people challenged with mental illness, IDD or addiction.
Grant will allow the organization to continue meal distribution to families in Hartford’s North End neighborhoods.
Grant will support revenue losses and increased services of the Children’s Advocacy Center which coordinates investigations into child abuse and exploitation.
Grant will add to a pool of micro-grants for the educational and basic human needs of low-income students facing job loss, eviction and other emergency situations, allowing them to continue their education.
Grant will support planning efforts for summer and fall learning to mitigate the COVID slide.
Grant will provide flexible support for lost revenue and increased expenses to support the safety of seniors.
Grant will provide flexible support for lost revenue and allow the organization to continue virtual programming for vulnerable populations.
Grant will support staff training, technology, tutoring and extended day options as the district seeks to mitigate the COVID slide.
Grants Awarded: May 26
Grant will help provide enhanced cleaning and PPE for residential programming.
Grant will support virtual outreach, tutoring and other youth development opportunities.
Grant will support lost revenue and allow the organization to maintain services that connect people who are blind or print-challenged to information.
Grant will allow the organization to maintain its meal service three times a week and other direct assistance to low-income East Hartford residents.
Grant will support maintenance and some expansion of harm reduction services including prevention kits and safety supplies as well as staffing for mobile services.
Grant will support lost revenue and the increased demand for legal services for abused and neglected children.
Grant will help the organization maintain its pantry bag distribution as well as start a prepared meals-to-go program.
Grant will support technology (including assistive technology) costs to build up virtual programming for individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism, and their families.
Grant will support lost revenue, virtual mentoring and case management for children and youth throughout Greater Hartford.
Grant will support infrastructure costs, such as background checks, to connect volunteers to elderly and disabled residents in East of the River communities. Services provided include food delivery and other errands, as well as companionship calls to reduce isolation.
Grant will support COVID-19 responses of the five organizations in the Hartford Community Safety Coalition as well as collaborative and coordinated community events focused on food distribution and sharing public health information.
Grants Awarded: May 18
Grant will support weekend testing sites located in Hartford neighborhoods.
Grant will allow the organization to maintain its parent coaches, providing technical assistance and coaching to Hartford parents as they navigate distance learning.
Grant will allow the organization to continue providing food and other basic needs to Hartford residents.
Grant will increase capacity of the Fresh Access program which provides fresh grown produce to food insecure individuals and distribution partners.
Grant will support food delivery to seniors, primarily in the Parkville neighborhood.
Grant will allow the organization to maintain core services and meet the growing inquiries from nonprofits as they manage layoffs and human resource issues, and navigate federal stimulus and other legal changes.
Grant will support Upper Albany Main Street and the Upper Albany Merchants Association’s efforts providing technical assistance to small businesses as part of the Hartford Small Business Emergency Assistance Grant Program.
Grants Awarded: May 11
Grant will support the costs of administration of the Hartford Small Business Emergency Assistance Program.
Grant will support the organization to expand the services of the food pantry as well as the extra costs related to food delivery.
Grant will support delivery of basic human needs and mental health services to families through the Children’s Wellness Center.
Grant will support enhancements to allow the Hartford Mobile Market and Northend Farmers Market to reopen safely including staffing, equipment, safety supplies and inventory.
Grant will support administrative costs associated with HEDCO’s administration of various lending programs to businesses owned by people of color and/or women and Greater Hartford nonprofits.
Grant will allow the organization to maintain the Community Pet Pantry in Hartford.
Grant will support the food pantry, clothing/diaper bank at NUMC’s North Family Life Center and Promise Zone Community Farmers Market to expand access and increase delivery options.
Grant will support increased capacity of the food pantry serving Manchester residents and neighboring towns.
Grant will aid in technology costs associated with transitioning to distance learning as well as address food insecurity and social emotional needs of students.
Grants Awarded: May 4
Grant will support Capital Cares Emergency Support Fund, a pool of micro-grants for the educational and basic human needs of low-income students facing job loss, eviction and other emergency situations, allowing them to continue their education.
Grant will support the Best Chance program, allowing the organization to maintain employment programming and wrap-around supports for a cohort of returning citizens.
Grant will support the Reentry Housing Assistance Program, a collaborative effort of CCEH, the Department of Corrections, the Reentry Welcome Center and the Coordinated Access Network to ensure end-of-sentence clients are not discharged into homelessness.
Paired with expediting of existing grants, the grant will support lost revenue to allow the organization to maintain food and rental assistance, remote legal services and case management for immigrants, refugees, and victims of human trafficking.
Grant will support mental health referrals and direct aid to provide for basic human needs of undocumented students and their families.
Grant will support the district’s distance learning plan in order to attempt to mitigate learning loss due to the COVID-19 slide.
Grant will support the growing food needs of low-income students through the on-campus food pantry.
Grant will support expansion of the recently launched mobile COVID-19 testing program with a focus on traditionally underserved communities such as low-income, formerly incarcerated, the elderly and immigrants (including those that are undocumented).
Grant will allow the organization to maintain a minimal level of outreach to North End residents to provide seeds, garden kits and other supports to allow novice gardeners to grow food.
Grant will support the Emergency Diabetic Medication Fund, allowing the continued purchase and distribution of insulin and other medication for low-income patients, including the uninsured.
Grant will provide flexible support for increased staffing, supplies and cleaning required to provide meal programs, shelter diversion, rapid re-housing and shelter services.
Grant will support increased staffing costs, technology, cleaning supplies, PPE and direct assistance for basic human needs of clients in transitional living.
Grant will support increased expenses and losses in revenue to allow the organization to maintain services to victims of domestic violence in the Greater Hartford region.
Grant will support a summer family-focused literacy engagement effort as well as a fall targeted extended day learning experience to mitigate learning loss caused by the COVID-19 slide.
Grants Awarded: April 27
Grant will support food delivery, telehealth services and other basic human needs, primarily in Hartford.
Grant will allow the organization to maintain food pantry, soup kitchen and shelter services including increased staffing, cleaning and delivery costs.
Grant will support increased staff support due to decreases in volunteers to distribute food in the Parkville neighborhood.
Grant will support technology costs and lost revenue to allow the organization to do its work remotely and meet the reported 20 percent increase in domestic violence calls.
Grant will support the cost of meals to be provided by a local small business and distributed to youth and their families.
Grant will support the development and execution of a media strategy related to the 2020 Census in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, in collaboration with the City of Hartford.
Grant will allow the organization to maintain operations of the inpatient detox center and residential recovery programs.
Grant will provide flexible support for staffing, cleaning and increased food costs required as the Coordinated Access Network manages strategies to maintain the safety of homeless persons across the shelter system.
Grant will support expansion of the Saturday breakfast program and the food shelf in Hartford’s North End neighborhoods.
Grant will support Makerspace CT to make face shields to be distributed to emergency response professionals in Hartford.
Grant will support a portion of lost revenue and will support the organization’s participation as a technical assistance provider in the Hartford Small Business Emergency Assistance Program.
Grant will support losses in revenue to allow the organization to maintain limited services, including remote connections to youth.
Grant will support expansion of the twice weekly hot breakfast program in Hartford’s North End neighborhoods.
Grant will provide flexible support for childcare and housing needs of frontline staff, specifically lower wage workers, and will fill gaps in resources until federal and state aid is available.
Grant will support the organization to coordinate with East Hartford Public Schools to distribute food to children and families at the YMCA Childcare Center.
Grant will support increased food, cleaning and staff costs in the organization’s emergency shelter and supportive housing.
Grants Awarded: April 20
Funding will support the administration and provide funding to support the Hartford Small Business Emergency Micro Grant Program to help stabilize small neighborhood businesses. $500,000 grant will support re-granting efforts, in partnership with, and matching funding of the City of Hartford to assist small neighborhood businesses in Hartford that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Grant will support lost revenue and continued behavioral health services at facilities in the Greater Hartford region.
Grant will support lost revenue and the increased cleaning, staff and food costs to continue care for returning citizens in residential programs.
Grant will support lost revenue, increased food costs and the expansion to weekly grocery delivery for vulnerable residents.
Grant will help to facilitate online clinical support to child and adolescent patients.
Grant will support the Scholar Emergency Fund that provides the basic human needs and educational needs of Hartford Promise scholars to allow them to continue their education.
Grant will support medical equipment and increased staffing costs of Hebrew Senior Care.
Grant will support scholarships for Hartford residents and other operating costs to grow their own food in community gardens.
Grant will support the costs of food, rent and utility assistance for clients as well as support lost revenue.
Grant will support increased safety and staffing costs for continued care for intellectually disabled residents, who are particularly at-risk for COVID-19.
Grant will support lost revenue and increased safety and staffing costs for continued care for disabled residents, who are particularly at-risk for COVID-19.
Grant will support protective equipment and increased food, and staffing costs to protect the safety of residents of its shelter and supportive housing facility, as well as homeless individuals temporarily housed in hotels.
Grants Awarded: April 13
CT Children's will be opening to non-COVID patients to ease the burden on hospitals. Grant will provide flexible support for medical equipment and increased telehealth.
Grant will allow the organization to address lost revenue and increased demand, and continue to provide fair housing advocacy to tenants and housing providers.
Grant will support three months of an additional full-time employee. Will help the organization increase capacity to take calls, screen for eligibility and process SNAP applications.
Grant will allow the organization to transition to curb-side pickup and delivery and help to cover other additional expenses to meet increased food demand.
Grant will allow the organization to meet the basic human needs of women returning from prison during the pandemic.
Grant would support lost revenue and increased needs to enable the organization to continue housing, case management, community pantry and community meals services.
Grant would support local manufacturing of at least 8,000 face shields to be distributed to hospitals, health clinics and emergency response organizations in our region.
Grant will allow the organization to meet the basic human needs of participants experiencing health inequities, with a focus on immigrant women and girls.
Grant would support organizational stability and allow the organization to provide scaled back health and behavioral health services, in partnership with Goodwin College.
Grant will support increased staffing and cleaning required to continue care for intellectually disabled residents, who are particularly at-risk for COVID-19.
Grant will provide for direct assistance and organizational staffing to meet the needs of immigrants, including undocumented and mixed status families.
Grant will support coordinated efforts of three North End churches and Charter Oak Health Center to provide housing, food and mobile medical care to vulnerable residents.
Grant would support three months of diapers for approximately 140 children in our region.
Grant will support direct energy assistance and staffing costs to maintain and expand services to approximately 230 families.
Grant will support increased cleaning and staffing costs to allow the organization to provide continued reproductive health and primary care services to low-income communities in the region.
Hospital on the front lines of addressing the pandemic as numbers surge later in April. Grant will provide flexible support for equipment, food, childcare and overtime for staff as well as the food bank.
Grant would support increased food and cleaning supplies for Marshall House Family Shelter and emergency assistance programming.
Grant would support lost revenue and basic human needs of residents living in the organization’s two senior housing facilities.
Grant will provide flexible dollars to help the organization navigate lost revenue and adapt to providing remote behavioral health and family support services.
Grants Awarded: April 6
To help replace lost revenue so the organization can continue to provide telehealth mental health services to youth and families and other family support services.
To support medical equipment and continued care for a population of 51 intellectually disabled residents, who are particularly at-risk for COVID-19.
To support enhanced technology needs, sanitation and food for the organization, particularly its Freshplace food pantry.
To provide basic human needs services to Greater Hartford residents. Flexible funding will help the organization navigate a variety of needs including increased cleaning at its assisted living facility, increased need for case managers and will help it maintain its food delivery services to vulnerable residents.
To respond to increased food needs of Greater Hartford residents.
To provide operating support to replace lost revenue.
To continue services that maintain the well-being of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Grant will help support personal protective equipment, additional sanitizing, increased staffing costs and lost revenue to allow the organization to continue to care for 100 intellectually disabled residents, who are particularly at-risk for COVID-19.
To provide operating support for the Borrower Relief Program.
To allow the agency to continue to provide service to seniors and disabled residents including transportation, meal delivery, and telemedicine for mental health and substance abuse treatment. HVCC is a Basic Human Needs provider for more than one-third of the 29 towns in the Foundation’s catchment area.
To provide for the safety of physically disabled residents in the Greater Hartford region. Grant will support technology, medical equipment and other needs to protect the safety of the organization’s 200 residents in our region who are particularly at-risk for COVID-19.
To support increased food, cleaning and staffing costs to protect the safety of the 125 residents of the shelter.
To provide basic human needs to low-income residents. This grant to a municipality is being considered because the town is not meaningfully served by a nonprofit.
To provide operating support to replace lost revenue. In tandem with repurposing of current grants, will support the organization to remain viable during the pandemic.
Thank you to our generous donors
A number of individuals, corporations and Donor-Advised Funds have contributed to the COVID-19 Response Fund. Click here to view the donor list.