COVID-19 Resources

Resources for nonprofits and small businesses impacted by COVID-19
Hartford Foundation Nonprofit Support Program Webinars
This introductory session provides the opportunity for nonprofit leaders to take intentional steps to begin the process of embedding a strategy focused on diversity, equity and inclusion into the fabric of their organizations. The session includes a high level overview of foundational content on diversity, equity, racism, and bias; help you to identify the case for DEI as an operational capability and imperative; and identify concrete steps necessary to begin the important work of examining your organization and your work through a DEI lens.
Presenter: Joelle Murchison, ExecMommyGroup
Handout 1 - PowerPoint Slides
This webinar provides an overview of how to plan and execute successful virtual events including: setting goals; deciding what works and what doesn't work in a virtual format; determining how you and your audience will participate in the event, and how to select the right platform.
Presenter: Renee Reid
Handout 1 - PP Slides
Handout 2 - Virtual Event Reminders and Resources
In light of the continuing global pandemic, nonprofit organizations are struggling to continue to pivot programs and services, maintain client and volunteer engagement, and in some cases, make very difficult decisions about letting go of staff. Our objective for this session is to prepare nonprofit leaders and board members to start asking the harder questions about the future of their organizations: how can we use scenario planning and financial forecasting to better assess our organizational health? What are our options and opportunities for partnering with others in order to amplify our impact?
Presenters: Anne Yurasek, Principal, and Cynthia Rojas, Consultant, Fio Partners
Powerpoint Slides
Handout 1 - Early Warning Core Assessment
Handout 2 - What If Art
Handout 3 - Sample Relational Mapping Effort
Handout 4 - Questions for Board Members to Explore
As nonprofit leaders in today's uncertain environment, it is essential to have financial tools and processes in place that will help you evaluate options and make key decisions quickly and effectively. This webinar discusses 1) financial analysis: where are we now? 2) how do we create financial scenarios, from recovery to worst-case? 3) what financial information do we gather and what questions should we ask? 4) what tools can we use to simplify the process?
Presenter: Gina McDonald, CPA, FMA
How can we ensure we are makig the most of our work-from-home set up and tools for the longer term? In this webinar we cover 1) Ideal technology set-up scenarios to support productive work-from-home, 2) How o keep your organization's data and technology secure while employees work from home, 3) Best practices for managing remote teams.
Presenter: Lindsay Bealko, Toolkit Consulting
This webinar will show you: 1) how to make webinars and online trainings more interesting, 2) how to keep participants engaged from beginning to end, 3) how to create a positive online experience.
Presenter: Andy Goodman, Co-Founder and Director of The Goodman Center
This practical webinar helps your nonprofit focus on how to adapt current Fundraising Strategies to be optimally effective during COVID-19 crisis.
Presenter: Jeff Brooks
Named "America's top fundraising writer" by communications expert Tom Ahern, Jeff Brooks blogs at the popular Future Fundraising Now
Click here to learn about upcoming NSP Nonprofit Webinars and access previous webinar recordings
Additional Resources
Upcoming Webinars:
- Free Virtual Workshops for Nonprofits - Hartford Public Library (February through June 2021)
Webinar Recordings:
- Starting Your Journey to Racial Equity, Diversity and Inclusion - Pulse of the Region Connect & MetroHartford Alliance (2/18 Webinar Recording)
- Paycheck Protection Program Webinar - MetroHartford Alliance, Whittlesey & US Small Business Administration (1/12/21 Webinar Recording)
- Keeping Your Nonprofit’s Systems Secure While Working Remotely (3/27 Webinar Recording)
How to Bring Your Live or In-Person Events Online (4/9 Webinar Recording)
Fundraising in the Time of Coronavirus: How to Manage and Modify Your Fundraising (4/23 Webinar Recording) - click "Get Invited to this Webinar" to access recording
Getting Back to Work: Considerations for Returning to the Workplace After COVID-19 Shutdowns - Pro Bono Partnership (On-Demand Webinar)
Moving Beyond Triage - Fio Partners Webinar Learning Series for Nonprofit CEOs
National Council of Nonprofits – Federal COVID-19 Legislation: What Do They Mean for Nonprofits? (4/7 Webinar Recording)
Managing a PPP Loan and Forgiveness Effectively – Nonprofit Quarterly (5/15 Webinar Recording & PowerPoint Slides)
Free Course: TechSoup's COVID-19 Technology Course for Successfully Working Remotely TechSoup has created a free track of courses (normally $110) to provide information and to show you the tools needed for successful remote work, including ensuring information security and boosting collaboration
Fundraising Resources
Things You Wish Your Board Knew about Fundraising - Jeff Brooks
Donors Respond After Multi-Channel Messaging - The NonProfit Times
Online Fundraising Compliance Guide: What Nonprofits Need to Know - Harbor Compliance
Future Fundraising Now - Is Raising Funds the Right Thing to Do Now?
Finance Resources
Free Legal Advice on Applying for PPP Loans and SOS/SVO Grants - Pro Bono Partnership
Paycheck Protection Program Nonprofit FAQ - Loewnstein Sandler
CARES Act 2: The Perils of Half Measures – Nonprofit Quarterly
FMA’s Paycheck Protection Program Toolbox - includes a variety of helpful resources to help nonprofits navigate the PPP process including recorded webinars and free clinics where nonprofits can get their questions answered
Paycheck Protection Program Loan Forgiveness – How Does it Work? (Inside Charity)
The PPP: The Experience of it All and Advice for New Applicants – Nonprofit Quarterly
Financial Commons provides resources to nonprofits of all shapes, sizes, and types to help them build their capacities for the kind of agile financial strategy and management our complex environment calls on them to enact on a regular basis. (New collaborative initiative recently launched by NPQ, Propel Nonprofits and FMA)
National Council of Nonprofits: Self-Insured Nonprofits and Unemployment Insurance
Nonprofit Finance Fund: COVID-19: What Nonprofits Should Do Right Now
Nonprofit Sector: Crisis Funding and Debt: What Organizations Need to Know
Technology Resources
Nonprofit Social Media Decision Guide – TechImpact
TechImpact Training Calendar - Browse the Calendar and find a technology course that will help you develop new skills and move your nonprofit forward (many trainings offered are free to nonprofits).
Nonprofit Technology Learning Center (TLC) - Access all of TechImpact’s current technology publications and training.
- ROI in Nonprofit Technology Decisions (TechImpact): this free report shows you how your nonprofit compares to sector norms and strengthen your own returns, and providdes expert insights, analysis, and recommendations.
- TechSoup – Technology resources for nonprofits (scroll down on page to view resources)
- TechImpact/IdealWare Free Technology Resources for These Challenging Times
Planning Resources
Harvest Development Group Mastermind Circles for Nonprofit Leaders
- Fio Partners: Key Questions and Suggested Strategies for Nonprofit Leaders in Dealing with the Implications of COVID-19 (PDF)
- Nonprofit Emergency Plans: What you need to know
- Pro Bono Partnership: COVID-19 Nonprofit Resources
- Clarity Transitions: Free COVID-19 Emergency Succession Plan
- National Council of Nonprofits – Nonprofits and Coronavirus, COVID-19
- Chronicle of Philanthropy: Help for Nonprofits During the Coronavirus and Uncertain Economic Time
BoardSource – What Nonprofit Board Members Should Be Doing Right Now to Address the COVID-19 Situation
Stanford Social Innovation Review: Guide to Resilient Leadership During the COVID-19 Crisis
Three Things Nonprofits Should Prioritize in the Wake of COVID-19 – Stanford Social Innovation Review
When to “Return”: What Nonprofit Executives Need to Think About – BoardSource
COVID-19: Policies to Protect People and Communities, Urban Institute
Mapping racial inequity amid COVID-19 underscores policy discriminations against Black Americans, Brookings
Not the Great Equalizer: Which Neighborhoods Are Most Economically Vulnerable to the Coronavirus Crisis?, Initiative for a Competitive Inner City
Robinson+Cole Offers Free COVID-19 Legal Clinics for Nonprofits and Small Businesses
These free 45-minute phone or virtual consultations with pro bono attorneys can help answer questions related to employment, contracts, commercial leases and insolvency issues, and help you understand the legislative language in the CARES Act and Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
- HEDCO Nonprofit Loan Fund
- Nonprofit Finance Fund: Crisis Funding and Debt: Here's What Organizations Need to Know
- SBA Loans for Nonprofits and Small Businesses
- SBA Disaster Assistance in Response to the Coronavirus (PDF)
- Forbes article: $349 Billion in Forgivable Paycheck Protection Loans for Nonprofits. Here's How to Apply.
- Nonprofit Security Grant Program (State of CT) - for nonprofits at heightened risk of being the target of a terrorist attack, hate crime or violent act. Applications due mid-March 2021.
- State of Connecticut Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information
- Copper Beech Institute online resources
- LISC Connecticut: COVID-19 Resources
- CTData's Connecticut COVID-19 Case Tracking
- Connecticut Department of Public Health: COVID-19 Dashboard
- TANGO – COVID-19 Updates
- Pro Bono Partnership: COVID-19 Nonprofit Resources
- CT Nonprofit Alliance COVID-19 Response Resource Center
- CT Department of Public Health Report (May 1, 2020)
- CT Data COVID-19 Data
- COVID-19 In Connecticut: Data Analysis
- CT COVID-19 Data Resources
- New York Times: Coronavirus Paid Leave Guide
- U.S. Dept of Labor: Coronavirus Resources
- Connecticut Dept of Labor: Paid Sick Leave Guidelines
- Connecticut Dept of Labor: Coronavirus FAQ
Supporting Connecticut’s Economy: A Program to Manage the Coronavirus Recession and Recovery (CT Voices for Children)
Getting Back to Work: Considerations for Returning to the Workplace After COVID-19 Shutdowns - Pro Bono Partnership (On-Demand Webinar)
This list will be updated as we learn of additional resources.
Last updated: 3/24/21