COVID-19 Response Fund: Information For Our Donors

COVID-19 Response Fund: Information For Our Donors
The Hartford Foundation’s COVID-19 Response Fund has made more than 230 grants, distributing more than $9.6 million, since the start of the pandemic. The fund initially focused on basic human needs as a result of health and economic impacts of the pandemic, and then transitioned to supporting a wide variety of nonprofits to provide services safely, including personal protective equipment (PPE), cleaning costs, technology and minor building enhancements.
In 2021, the COVID-19 Response Fund will continue to address some of the most urgent needs in the Greater Hartford community in a proactive and focused way. Examples of grant areas include vaccine outreach and distribution, reducing inequities due to lost learning and more. Learn more.
To date, the COVID-19 Response Fund has received support of $4.1 million thanks to contributions from generous individuals, corporations and donor-advised-funds.
This crisis is far from over. We are listening to our nonprofit partners and will continue to monitor the short- and long-term impacts of COVID-19 in our region, remaining flexible and responsive to the changing needs of the community.
Check this website periodically for updates on our COVID-19 response. You can sign up for our monthly newsletter or follow us on social media to receive more frequent updates.
The Act!on Fund for Racial Justice
COVID-19 exposed and exacerbated health and economic disparities in our region. The COVID-19 Response Fund was designed to address immediate needs brought about by the pandemic. However, we know that creating a truly equitable Greater Hartford is long-term work. In 2021, we launched the ACT!ON FUND for Racial Justice to help disrupt existing systemic racism and achieve equity in social and economic mobility in our region. The Action Fund is a current use fund, putting dollars into the community immediately to address systemic racism in a number of concrete ways. We encourage you to learn more about the Action Fund and consider making a donation.
Learn about the Action Fund for Racial Justice
What our donors say about the COVID-19 Response Fund:
Yvette Meléndez, South Glastonbury
I was so pleased to learn that the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving had established a COVID-19 Fund. At a time when I was feeling helpless and overwhelmed with sadness, I knew that the Foundation would use its knowledge, expertise and values to respond to the things that mattered most to me - equity, humanity, and empowerment. Thank you Hartford Foundation for Public Giving for helping to address my sense of powerlessness and for your unwavering commitment to the people in our community.
Peggy Miller, Bloomfield
When news of the COVID-19 virus began to spread, I started thinking about all the people who find themselves jobless, hungry, homeless or in danger of becoming homeless through no fault of their own. I realized just how fortunate I am to have my needs met and decided to help the people living near me who are not in my position.
I think highly of the Hartford Foundation, so when I read an article in the paper about their new COVID-19 Response Fund, I called and spoke to them about making a donation. It is reassuring to know that my gift is being put to work here in Greater Hartford.
Carol Simpson, Bloomfield
COVID-19 struck just as Bob and I were making decisions about how to distribute funds from our IRAs. We knew there would be problems in our region this year that had not been anticipated, and we felt sure that the Hartford Foundation would contribute to the solutions to those problems. I feel very glad to have a way to address the pressing needs that are emerging around Hartford this spring, and proud of how the Foundation has stepped up to help.
Corporate donors and Foundations
4-CT Statewide COVID-19 Relief Fund
Capspecialty, Inc.
The Edgemer Foundation, Inc.
Garcia Hamilton & Associates, L.P.
The Hartford
Hartford InsurTech Hub
Harvard Pilgrim HealthCare
Hutensky Capital Partners
J. Walton Bissell Foundation, Inc.
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
JPMorgan Chase
Key Bank
LEGO Group and LEGO Foundation
National Philanthropic Trust
The Nellie Mae Education Foundation, Inc.
People’s United Community Foundation
Pinnacle Financial Services, LLC
Popkin-Wilensky Charitable Foundation
Probus National, Inc. - Greater Hartford Club
Prudential Foundation
Stanley Black and Decker
Travelers Foundation
Virtus Investmant Partners Charitable Gift Fund
Wiley Swain General Carpentry LLC
Individuals and donor-advised funds
Pamela Abbruzzese-Rosa
Susan Ackerman
Gem Alexander
Allen Family Fund
Wendy Allerton
Robert and Laura Amenta
David Ames
Michael and Doretta Andonucci
Ronald Apter
Mrs. Joyce Armstrong
Kathleen Arsenault
Michael and Bethany Astrachan
Thomas and Shelley Bach
Alyson Baier
Richard Bailey
Brian Baker
Mrs. Marie D'Amour Baker
Mike and Deb Bangser
Tatiana Banhon
Mr. Michael Barrera
Jennifer and George Barrows
Frederick Baruffi
Ms. Arianna Basche
Nirupam Basu
Dee and Ed Baum
Richard and Alice Baxter Fund
Barbara Bazzano
Sarah A. Bedell
Peter Bender and Anne Ostberg
Benevity Community Impact Fund
Ingrid Bento-Clarke
Bethany Berger
Patricia Bernardi
Nancy Bernstein Fund
Craig Best
BFA Fund - Brooksie Koopman
BFA Fund - Rena Koopman
BFA Fund - Trice Koopman
Ajitha Bhavan, Vijaya Kumar and Aneesh Kumar
Emily Bigwood
Casey Bilodeau
Ms. Nicoletta Blevins
Ms. Caitlin Theresa Bodamer
Marci Bohn
Michael Booth
Ms. Judith L. Borman
Ms. Ruth F. Bossler
Rose Breen
Carol Brennan
Val Bryan
Budd Family Fund
Lorna Burkhardt
Mr. Kevin Burns
Mr. John Byrnes
Carolyn Bystrak
Mr. Michael Canarie
Ms. Sarah E. Carlson
Mark Case, Sr.
Ms. Janet M. Castricum
Heather and Sean Carroll
Jim and Anne Carroll Fund
Laura Carroll
Chip Caton & Catherine Lyons
Chan Family Charitable Fund
J and L Chapman Charitable Fund
P.J. Cimini, Esq.
Linda Cohan
Libbian and Jerry Cohen Fund
Tatyana Cohen
Kathryn E. Cole
Maureen Conable
Joseph Michael Conderino
Anne & Tom Condon
Robert and Michele Cone
Charles B. Cook Fund
Marty & Nancy Coursey
Scott Crosson
Ms. Julie Cutler
Andrew Daly
Sue Dana and Lisa Werkmeister Rozas
Ellen Dantec
Pamela Dawkins Pieper
Dana E. Degennaro
Dr. Nancy M. DePalma
Albert & Nikki Descoteaux
Akshay Deshpande
Mr. Joseph Lee Dickerson, Jr.
Ms. Nancy DiRenzo
Reid DiRenzo
Shanon DiSorbo
Becky Dixon
Marianne Downie
Brad Drazen
Duclos Family Charity Trust Fund
Carol Dupuis and Michael Haylon
Dana Duran
Anne M. Eglinton
Heather Ellegard
Herbert Emanuelson
Colin Erhardt
Robin Fedorczyk
Carlos Feged
Julie Feidner
Michael and Julie Fischman
Mr. Eric R. Fleming
Denise Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Fournier
Elizabeth Freedman
The Friday Club
Mr. Paul Frisman
David and Carol Galbraith
Richard P. Garmany Fund
Garnett Gibbs Family Fund
Rachel Garron and Scott Schoem
Taylor Gasparino
Jeremy Gervais
Charles Gill
Anthony Girard
Bill and Gail Goddard
Harry E. Goldfarb Family Foundation Fund II
Sue Golemon
Bob and Lee Goode
Betty Ann Grady
Christine Graesser
Ms. Pearl Granat
Alison Granger
Mr. R. Nelson Griebel
Kimberly Grunert
David and Lois Hager
Jeremy Hall
Wendy Haller
Andrew Halpryn
John and Mary Ann Harris
Brad and Kathy Hoffman
Jeffrey S. Hoffman
Peter Holland
Denis and Patricia Horgan
Kelly and Gordon Hui
Anthony S. and Evelyn L. Hulme Charitable Fund
Dorothy and Kimball Hunt
Jim and Marlene Ibsen
Mary Ellen Jacobs
Renee Janow
Donald W. and Dorothy D. Johnson Fund
Ms. Lynn Johnson
Susan Johnson
Lynnee Jones
Stephen Jones
Susan Evans Jones
Greg and Joan Joseph
Larry Judson
Ms. Tracy Kane and Mr. David Tanner
Nathan and Toni Karnes
Keating Agency
Linda J. Kelly
Peter and Susan Kelly
Mrs. Donna Kidwell
Min Jung Kim
Mike and Phyllis Kinson
Roger and Laurel Kirschen
Steve and Debbie Kleinman
Gopal and Suneeta Krishnan
The Krzanowski Family
Rajeev Kuhinjedath
Lisa Lanzetta
Shawn Lepka
Carolyn W. Lester
Jami Silver, Simon Lett and Holden Lett
Attorney Margaret P. Levy
Tom and Margah Lips Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Londergan
Dr. Estela R. López
Diane Mack and Robin Gilmartin
MacLean Family Fund
Donna Kathryn Manocchio, MS
Jed and Beth Margolis
Mr. I. Charles Mathews
John C. Matulis III
Dorothy E. McCoach
Hope McManus
Stan and Sue McMillen
Jeanette Medina
Yvette Meléndez & Carl Chadburn
Thomas M. Meredith Fund
Keith Merritt and Sherry Coelho
Peggy Miller
Thomas Morgan
MorningStar Fund
Josie Morrison
Avishake Mukherjee
Martin Murphy
Radiyah Mutasim
Matthew Myshrall
Pulkit Nagpal
Diane Lynn Nappier Fund
Art and Reba Nassau
Steven and Davida Needelman
Patty and Tony Neidlinger
Ted and Ronni Newton
Sara Nguyen
Mark and Joanne Niland
Dr. Elsa Nunez
Ellen O'Brien
Laura O'Brien
Sharon R. O'Meara Fund
Kelley O'Neill
Timothy O'Toole
Drs. Kola and Trudy Olofinboba Family Fund
Laura and Stosh Olsbo
Mickey and Mitch Orkin
Harikrishna Pakala
The Honorable Richard N. Palmer
Dorothy Halas Pangrazio
Bob Parente
Susan Pearson and Hank Prussing
Sylvie Peowski
Nicholas Perry
Jessica Peterson
Jane and Garrett Phelan
Attorney Elliot B. Pollack
Joseph Poremski
Rodney O. Powell
Ms. Susan Prescott
Ramona Pringle
Cassie Quattropani
Brie Quinby and Evan Cowles
Steve Rabb
Dorothy B. Ralston Fund
Preneshan Ramaloo
Ms. Elenor G. Reid
Diana Rich
The Right Track Fund
Ms. Kristi Roberge
Carol Robinson
Ms. Sandra Rodriguez
Vernon D. and Florence E. Roosa Family Foundation Memorial Fund
Dylan Samuel Rosenthal
Samuel Roskin Trust
Ross Memorial Fund
Ryan, Chris, Casey, Morgan and Ashley Ross
Mr. David M. Roth
Deborah Rothstein
Gideon Rutenberg
Laurie Sablak
Robert Salerno
Leslie Sanchez
Savin Family Fund
Elizabeth Schiro and Stephen Bayer
Jean Schiro-Zavela and Vance Zavela
Laura Schuyler
Deborah L. Scully
Chris Senecal
Paul and Sue Seney
Barbara and Ted Sergi
Heather Serignese
Greg and Camille Servodidio
Larry and Gale Shapiro
Mr. Michael Shea
Mr. Steve M. Sheehan
Barbara Sicherman
Amy Lynn Silverman
Phyllis & Harvey Silverman
Ms. Carol Simpson and Robert Hewey
Avanash Singh
Bob and Sharon Smith
Jessica Smith
Attorney and Mrs. Robert H. Smith, Jr.
Mr. Gerrard Smyth
Alexander Sokolson
Matthew Spaeder
Roz and Alan Spier
Tina St. Pierre
Anne Stanback and Charlotte Kinlock Fund
Jeffrey and Deborah Stein
Kathy Steinwedell
Mr. Weston Stephens
Brandon Stewart
Margaret Strebel
Dr. Richard A. Sussman and Nina Horowitz
Tonya Taschereau
Richard and Jane Tedder
Jessica Thibodeau
Richard and Mary Ellen Thibodeau
George Thompson
Ms. Christine Traczyk
Trinity College Softball Team
Trumble Family Fund
Matt and Emily Tyksinski
Kavita Umarani
Richard and Melissa Vaughan
Jim and Ellie Venneman
Leah N. Wade
Mrs. Karen A. Walsh
Ms. Sally J. Weisman
Paul and Patricia Weisser
Rachel Welcome
Mark and Barbara Wetzel
Marcia B. and John Wilkinson
Joyce C. Willis
Tom Willits and Nancy Wheeler
Evan Wilner & Kasey LaFlam
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Wilson
Alex & Lisa Wood
Elizabeth R. Wood
Abigail Woodhouse
Worthington Family Fund
Elease Wright
Carol and Edward Wrobel Family Fund
Hila Yanai
Shirley B. Zachery
Tom Zeleznock and Grace Chen
Larry and Elaine Zemel
Alexandra Zepp
50 additional donors wish to remain anonymous.